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4 Ways How Universities Keep Their Data Safe


Updated: Apr 6, 2020

Today's education system continues to evolve as more universities utilize school management systems to improve student services. This allows for better data management and a streamlined school process where everything can be conveniently accessed and processed in one system. With the school’s large data bank in one system, how do universities secure their data when digital threats are prevalent?

Here are four ways today’s schools can secure valuable and sensitive data from online and internal cybercriminals.

Develop a data privacy plan.

For universities that store a lot of data, the first thing to figure out is how to sort and categorize all the information in one well-organized storage unit and securing it. Developing a school’s data privacy plan entails a careful review of all available data and resources while ensuring their proper use, collection, handling, and governance. This provides convenience and easy management for all users as it gives school administrators flexibility and faster results, while students enjoy secure storage for their records and information. What school administrators need to take note of is the assignment of the system’s privileges and ensuring that all users are knowledgeable on responsible data management and system rules.

Data Encryption.

This is an important element when your school is trying to establish an online data management system as it may contain sensitive information such as the financial records of the school or student information. Encryption ensures that your data is safe by changing the original text to unreadable characters and would require special keys to decode the information. This is vital in keeping your school data safe from cybercriminals or even erring employees and it adds a more secure layer of protection and raises your level of security higher than just assigning simple passwords on the desktop computer.

Edusuite School Management System Student Information System

Monitor user activity.

Audit trails are helpful in resolving a school’s issue regarding responsible system use tracking malicious intent. Keeping your user activity monitored through audit trails gives you more information by keeping electronic logs that are accurate, accessible, and reliable. Using this feature in data security for your school management system allows the school administrator and the IT team to detect red-flags in audit trails and user activity that could lead to cyber threats, malware, or data corruption. Audit trails likewise help in tracking down suspicious sources of information leaks.

Prepare a data breach plan.

Schools nowadays need school management systems that prioritize data management and security as more cases of data breach have been recorded in the past years. In fact, thousands were affected by the recent threat of Pearson Data Breach which compromised student accounts of around 13,000 institutions. To keep your school safe from such, ask your provider on how to enhance your login requirements, require encryption, and train your faculty and staff on how to responsibly use systems. It’s also a good idea to never underestimate any chances of a data breach. Have your provider walk you through a response plan and make sure your sensitive data are backed up on another secure server. Lastly, keep your internal policies and security plans up to date.

Universities should always know best to regularly update their data protection software and systems as new threats continue to evolve. Security concerns on data theft also continue to rise not only in the academe but in the industrial spectrum as well. This is all the more reason enough for universities to take advantage of today’s school-based technologies that not only protect data but also improves operations and management.

Across Asia, Edusuite AI-powered school management systems offer an AI-driven solution that is meticulously customized to meet the needs of school administrators, faculty, students, and parents for K-12 or college institutions.

To know more about Edusuite’s services, visit

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