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Edusuite: Best in Class Solution for every school

Face-to-Face Classes Are Back... Now What?

Writer's picture: Marjorie BugayonMarjorie Bugayon

2022 is shaping to be when we’re in front of the blackboard again.

More schools are now preparing for a full classroom capacity, especially in Level 1 alert areas. In addition, with the continued decline of COVID-19 cases in the Philippines, we’ll see in-person classes for basic education and higher education coming back into complete normalcy. As of March 5, there are currently 6,406 schools conducting limited face-to-face classes.

As we slowly ease back to our old yet familiar ways, what does this mean for all the technological advancements we heeded during the early days of lockdown?

The short answer: E-learning, adoption of tools, and automation in general is (and should be) here to stay.

It’s paramount that schools do not fall back to old practices. As we look ahead post-pandemic, the push to automate school operations must persist in strengthening digital resourcefulness, collaboration, communication, and overall productivity within the different ecosystems that make up a school. Here are some examples of how Edutech benefits schools administrators, faculty, students, and guardians – even in the resurgence of face-to-face classes.

Increase in productivity

The danger of AI and Machine Learning taking over human jobs is a myth. The truth is, automation of cognitive and physical tasks helps people perform tasks faster and better. Take enrollment, for example. Through a completely manual intervention, this intensive human labor will eat up months, if not days of not just one, but an army of workers from your school – precious resources and bandwidth that are better allotted to more meaningful tasks, like improving curriculum or creating a better enrollment experience for students and guardians. But with a school management system present to automate and optimize the school’s enrollment journey, a few hours is all it will take.

Less guesswork, smarter decisions

To err is human – and a human pressured by thousands of dynamic information, to err bigger becomes inevitable. Automation reduces or at least minimizes, the chance of these often expensive mistakes from even seeing the light of day. By moving specific processes out of human hands, methods are followed precisely, and steps are no longer skipped. And moving to a school management system will further overcome human challenges and allow automation to do what it does best.

Embracing comfort and convenience

The beauty of embracing technological advances lies in the presence of comfort and convenience. Gone are the days when distance is a deterrent. When an automated school management system is in place, parents and students will be spared from the hassle of traveling to school to enroll and process requirements or even spend their time stuck in long lines; all of which can be done online, from the comforts of their home. In addition, when an automated school management system is in place, you can do as much with as little physical labor needed.

As we gear towards the return of face-to-face classes, this shouldn’t mean neglecting all the lessons we heeded from the last two years, especially the technological front. COVID-19 proved to be a catalyst for a digital movement in education – to reevaluate how we manage schools and learning and prepare our educators and students to embrace new ways of learning. And rightfully so, for in digital education comes holistic efficiency and convenience from different fronts. The key is integration rather than replacement.

Are you ready to navigate through the world of automation -- and ultimately, take your school management to the next level? Book a demo today and we'll show you how our systems can help you start your automation journey.


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