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Edusuite: Best in Class Solution for every school

A Year of Growth, and Growing Still

Writer's picture: Marjorie BugayonMarjorie Bugayon

If there is one thing that can aptly encapsulate the last two years, it’s probably the first few words from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Thankfully, things have gotten better from the tumultuous crisis of the year before, but for many of us, 2021 still wasn’t the walk in the park as we wanted it to be. But against all odds, this year opened its doors to humbling wins for Edusuite. Just as we were growing our roster of school partners, our team members were also doubling in numbers. It was a year of growth and in the next, we see our team growing still.

At the dawn of the new year, we usually reflect on what comes next and the idea of a fresh start at work might even arise. And if you’re one of the braver ones taking this giant leap, might we suggest diving into the crazy yet overly productive world of Edusuite? We’ve talked about growth and growing still. Now, paint yourself as a pivotal addition to that picture.

Joining our team means access to talent and resources. To develop a truly world-class product, we ensure that we have the best people in the team and that innovation and excellence are rooted in everyone’s blood. As talent is our biggest asset, resources in the form of new technology, advanced tools, and continued education are our weapons of construction. Our team members are equipped and encouraged to seek the resources they need to build a culture of innovation.

What also makes us an awesome place to work is how we see trust and commitment within the team. As long as the job is done and only the highest quality output is delivered, no one bats an eye on how each of us controls our working hours and vacation days. And while this might sound like an “in a perfect world” narrative, our team members honor and wholeheartedly subscribe to this system. This, for us, is what we mean when we talk about integrity.

Lastly, in Edusuite, we thrive because we are empowered - to speak our truths, to make decisions, big or small, and to take action. Futile red taping has no place in our team. In heeding to everyone’s thoughts, we pave the way to discussions, ideation, and even out-of-the-box thinking that might actually bear fruit to bigger and better things.

Big plans and even bigger opportunities are in the pipeline. Our mission of revolutionizing the education sector in the Philippines - even beyond - is not just lip service, it is truly the core of who we are and what we do. And in 2022, aka the year of growing still, it’s paramount that we have equally passionate and talented people who understand the goal and can get things done, always. Perhaps, people like you.

Sounds like your kind of crew? Consider this your sign. Or if you need more convincing, hear it first from our very own.

Join our team. Big things are in the works. Check out all available positions here: or you can reach out to us at

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